Friday, October 15, 2010

My Church

I don't often talk about my religion in the public domain. I don't like getting in to arguments when nothing is accomplished but that both sides are angry or hurt or... whatever. I like discussing, but it's pretty rare that strangers want to do anything more than hate me for what I know to be true.

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and, almost 2 weeks ago now at our bi-annual general conference, President Packer said something that upset a lot of people, though it wasn't his intent.

He is a good and loving man and I know that he only had everyone's best interests at heart. I know it doesn't necessarily seem that way, but it's true. If you had listened to his tone of voice when he said the "offending words"... to me he sounded like a teacher (which he is by trade) and a concerned father looking out for his children.

I know my own father said a lot of things I didn't want to hear while I was growing up. He still does it, though thankfully not as often. Only last year he said some very harsh, and I thought hateful things to me that, now that I look back on it, were exactly the things I needed to hear. It saved me from a very terrible life and a disastrous marriage. I don't often like to talk about it, but I'll make the rare exception.

Often, our caretakers feel compelled to tell us things we don't like to hear because they only want what's best for us. They want us to be happy even if the path is a very difficult one to take.

I'd go in to greater detail, but I'm too tired. This fever has seriously worn me out.

One more thing though. Someone posted this quote on a facebook page and I really liked it, so I thought I'd pass it on.

Bye friends!

‎"The church is like a great caravan traveling through the desert. At times desert animals nip at the heels of those traveling in the caravan; desert thieves try to rob and harm the members of the caravan, but the caravan goes on nothing can stop it. That is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Nothing can stop the truth from going forward. We are either part of the caravan or we will be left behind, but the church will go forward. I want to be a part of the caravan" Bruce R. McConkie.

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