Thursday, October 7, 2010

Getting this out of the way

I'm awful at studying, especially a lot at once. I don't generally think to study a little at a time. The term "I'll do it later" is very predominant in my vocabulary when it comes to studying. Oops.

SO! Procrastination. And I don't think I'll be able to to much more this time around. I'm tired of rote memorization. I always forget it. It doesn't help me. So I will probably fail my second (of many) German test. But after that, things will change.

So yeah. Meme for now. I'm finishing it up today cause I would (for some non-understandable reason) feel guilty if I didn't finish it when I said I would.

Day 23- Something you crave for a lot.

Hm... Peanut butter. I crave peanut butter and... Chinese food. And sleep. HOLY CRAP sleep. I needs it.

Day 24- A letter to your parents.

Ah... This is a little too personal for me. Things aren't always as shiny as I'd like for them to be, especially with one of them in particular. With the other, things just sort of come and go. I prefer it that way. :) I love my parents, even when/if they drive me crazy. They done raised me good.

Day 25- What I would find in your bag.

I guess that depends on what bag you mean. Since the one closest to me is my school bag, I'll use that one XD (sorry for relatively poor image quality. Taking it with my phone was a lot simpler than taking it with my amazing-quality camera, which I don't have on hand XD lol)

1. Notebooks
2. File folder thingy (purple thing)
3. French Text Book (pink one)
4. Pencil Case
5. Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman (which is due back at the library today... hm...)
6. Planner/organizer (today's pages are kinda empty looking...)
7. Post-it notes (not shown?)
8. Chap Stick
9. Wallet (brown, bottom right) and check book (under pencil case)
10. KEYS (not shown, but the keychain is huge! There's so much on it XD But that's the way I like it lol)
11. Draußen vor der Tür by Wolfgang Borchert
12. Loose change?
13. Water bottle
14. Cell phone (not shown since it took the picture lol)
15. A cord of some kind....
16. Essential Medication (not shown I think?)
17. French/English dictionary (electronic)

Day 26- What you think about your friends.

HAHA. What kind of question is THAT?! My friends are awesome. Nuff said.

Day 27- Why are you doing this 30 day challenge.

I don't know. Because I was bored, I suppose. It seemed like a good idea when I started it. Not that it took 30 days or anything... or that I really cared about it at all at the end. I just finished it because I started it. XD Good reasoning, you say? I rather thought so too, thank you.

Day 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?

Well, they're already up. The one on the main page is from last year, and the last time I posted a "recent" picture, it was taken the week before I posted it. So how am I different?
Well... I suppose I'm more obnoxious now. I'm louder and generally more upfront/blunt with people. My hair is short and instead of redish brown it's now purple, though it looks black in dim light and red in sunlight. And there's a blond streak on the right side (though it used to be green haha).
I speak quite a bit of German now, and I've been to many places I hadn't been at the time.
I'm a double major, which I wasn't before. I have a solid job and way too much to do. When the picture last year was taken, I had dropped out of school due to medical problems and wasn't able to do very much at all with my life. Now that I have a TON to do, I wish I could find a better balance.
I have more friends, some different some the same. I have really good days and really bad ones like always, but I don't try to hide it too much.
I love my room mates - all of them. That's a definite first.
That's about all I've got.

Day 29- In this past month, what have you learned.

I've learned quite a bit over the month. Do you mean about myself? Cause that answer is short. Not much. And certainly not because of this meme. It was more to tell other people about me than to tell ME about me. THAT'S just silly.

Day 30- Who are you?

Who am I? 24601. (My name is Jean Valjean).

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