Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Morning Conspiracy

I have figured it out! It took me several years to do it, but eureka! I finally understand.

I am at my most productive in the mornings. I am NOT a morning person. Problem? Yes.

This morning I got up at 5:30. Not too bad right? And I went to bed at 9:30 last night. I used to think 9:30 was the worst bed-time ever. It was torture when I was a kid. But now? Early nights are the best!

Yet, even with so much sleep, I still have a hard time getting up in the mornings. Once I'm up I'm fine, but getting out of bed is the worst!! And I have discovered that this is a conspiracy.

My body is lazy. My mind is not. So there is an eternal struggle. Which side do I listen to? Usually my mind, but yesterday my body won HARD CORE. I was supposed to get up between 5:30 and 6. I slept until 11. I NEVER do that. I even missed my only Monday class because of it and now I keep thinking it's Monday rather than Tuesday. Really confusing, let me tell you.

My body and my bed have conspired against me! Bed gets extra comfortable in the morning and body refuses to let me move. In fact, I kept being forced back to sleep yesterday! So it can't possibly be my fault that I missed German class, right? RIGHT?!

Yeah I know. This post is ridiculous. I just don't wanna do my homework this morning. But I must!

Katie (my brother's girlfriend) is leaving on her mission tomorrow. She came by on Sunday to see everyone one more time, but my brother thought (for a very incomprehensible reason) that I was not here, so they didn't come by. =( Now I have to hurry and get my work done so I can see her before my classes start (which isn't until noon thank goodness).

So here I am, 6:30 am, freezing cold and with wet hair in the kitchen, setting myself up for some serious amounts of work and classes don't start for 5.5 hours. Rawr.

Anyway, thanks for reading everyone! I wish people would comment... I love hearing from people. So if you have a sec, share some love! =) It would brighten up my very dark and very cold Tuesday.

(And I know I'm whining, but it's supposed to snow today and it's not even Halloween! I thought I had escaped Halloween snow when I left the Burgh, but I guess I was mistaken haha).

Bye all!

P.S. My global warfare is spreading! I have readers in Denmark, the UK, the US, Germany, France, Japan, and Russia! It makes me happy. =) Thanks again everyone! Have a wonderful day!!

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