Monday, September 20, 2010

Random 30-Day Meme-ness

I don't even care what day it is. I feel like doing these. Hahaha. Yay me!

Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why.

Short term goals... Um...
1. Clean my room
2. Look in to getting a sewing machine
3. Not fail out of school
4. Read... something..... Phantom-y?

Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days.


Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad.


(I have several for each one, so I'm just gonna list the ones that come immediately to mind)

Happy: "Mon Essentiel" or "Hilf mir fliegen" ( <-- that one you may look up on your own. The song is AMAZING, but the fan videos on Youtube are AWFUL.)

Mad: "Beauty of the Beast" or "Labyrinth" (though that one is just awesome XD I listen to is ALL the time)

Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends.

No. Too many already. NO.

Day 12- How you found out about LJ and why you made one.

Well... I don't remember about livejournal. Or Blogger to be honest. I think I had to make a blog for a class or something? I don't know haha. Not interesting.


Ok, more on the "Labyrinth."

In case you haven't noticed, I am OBSESSED with Labyrinths. The movie, the song... the Percy Jackson book haha. I LOVE Labyrinths. I love the concept and I love the infinite number of stories that can stem from them. And yet... it's all the SAME Labyrinth, isn't it? There's always a great big Labyrinth, and somewhere inside it is something you want or need more than anything else. So you go through it no matter the risk and no matter the horrors you find inside. Unless, of course, you stumble upon the Labyrinth and are stuck therein.

See what I mean? Endless. I'll never get tired of stories that lake place in the Labyrinth.

And there's something innately beautiful about them, I think. About a puzzle that can never be completely solved. You may find the way out, but you'll never know everything inside it. You can't. It just isn't possible. And I love that. There will always be more doors to unlock and more pathways to take and dead ends to find.

The Labyrinth, no matter where I find it in media or any type, is always changing. It isn't the same. It can't be. That's the very nature of the Labyrinth - to change. In fact, chance is the only constant in the Labyrinth. It's just like life.

And I can't help but thinking that, though you fight desperately to get out, once you surface you'll always, at least in part, want to go back. There's something drawing about a puzzle that "can't" be solved, you know? There are just too many wondrous and terrible things in the Labyrinth to leave it alone.

I think my mind is something of a Labyrinth. I don't know where all the paths lead. I'm just taking this one until I find a different one that I like better haha. And there are always new things and many things that surprise me. I find myself meeting the same dead ends over and over again, so even if I feel like I'm getting somewhere, I'm really not.

It gets more complicated than that, but I won't bore you.

German and Isaiah tests tomorrow. Bed needs to happen soon. So yeah. Blog ends now. Bye! =D

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