Monday, September 13, 2010

New Secondary Education Student Orientation

It's "suggested" that, at the start of your major (whatever that may be), that you go to the meeting held by key faculty members of your specific school. This morning I went to mine.

It was pretty boring at first, talking about exams I don't have to take for a few more years still, but then something happened and a light clicked on. They talked about doing a minor in TELL (Teaching English Language Learners - aka English as a second language). I, of course, already have 2 majors and a minor, but it really got me excited.

I thought about doing TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) which is basically the same thing, but this minor is shorter and the classes are offered not only at night, but also during every semester and both terms. Now, here's the consideration part.

If I were to do this, I would have to sacrifice my German Studies major and take French Teaching with 2 minors (German teaching and TELL). I think it would be a good idea since 1) it won't take me any longer to graduate if I did that and 2) it will certify me in 3 languages, not just 2. And I already speak English fairly well, so there's no need to worry about that too much (note: "fairly well" is meant to be extremely sarcastic).

That's mostly what I've been thinking about today.

I wasn't as productive today as I had hoped to be. I felt AWFUL most of the day. I got everything done that I had to, but I could have done more. The next few days are gonna be pretty stressful, so I hope that doesn't make things worse, you know?

My first exam (French civ.) is Wed-Thurs. My second (Writings of Isaiah) is Thursday and my third (German grammar) is Monday. Woo! They're not letting me take it easy this year are they? Haha. It'll all be fine, I just have to have the energy to study. Naps will probably be necessary.

Haylee and I are meeting up tomorrow to study German and stuff, so that should be... ok. Hopefully. He (our professor) gave us a sample exam, so we know exactly what kind of questions will be asked. The only problem is the amount of material and my inability to learn over 100 German verbs, their meanings and all their tenses in under a week in addition to studying for one equally difficult exam (French) and one possibly detail-oriented exam (Isaiah). I don't know much about the Isaiah exam, but it shouldn't be as hard as the other two. For one thing, it's in English. Well... the test is anyway. Saying the book of Isaiah itself is in English is a rather debatable stand-point.

On another, slightly more random note, I have been motivating myself all day by telling myself life isn't as bad as my pessimistic side would have me believe. This is mostly referring to my IBS, by the way. It is extremely painful at times and that is rather distracting.

Last night I was moping about it because it wasn't getting better even when I upped my dosage of meds (which, by the way, I am very allowed to do. Encouraged to, even, when problems arise). I thought to myself "I'm doing everything I can and nothing helps. This is totally not fair." In response, I heard David Bowie (as he played the part of King Jareth of the Goblins in "Labyrinth" back in the 80s). This was his answer to the female lead (ironically also named Sarah) when she said the same thing.

Sarah: "It's not fair!"

Jareth: "You say that so often. I wonder what your basis for comparison is."

[In case you're wondering, it sounds like this: click here!]

I have to admit I laughed, because Jareth has a point. So I kept telling myself that all day and if the sentiment wasn't enough to put a smile on my face, the glittery Goblin King was. Oh David Bowie...

Anyway it's getting rather late now (in srs bzns college kids terms) and I haven't felt well, as stated, so I'm going to get some sleep and hope things are better tomorrow.

Life is so crazy, but I love every minute of it. =D Yay optimism! (Hopefully this will not soon be replaced by endless pessimism like is sometimes is in my life haha. We'll just have to wait and see.)

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