Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Oh MAN! SO much is going on that I need to consider! Gah!

I wish I had more time on my hands.

Ok, so here's the list:

1. Banzai.

Do I go or not? It would be fun, sure. But worth it? I don't know. If Saki and Engel haven't worked things out by then, I REALLY don't want to go cause that's NOT what I want to deal with. Plus it's expensive. But it's also something I miss a lot. And there are people there that I haven't seen in 2 years now... including one of my "adopted" younger sisters. But I also don't know if I can get the car from my brother anyway... Rawr. Plus it's the weekend of my 21st birthday. I don't know if that's really how I want to spend it.

2. My Birthday

Besides the above, there are other things to consider. Do I want to celebrate it at all? Or just let it go peacefully by? I can't decide. I'm really tempted to ask for a sewing machine for my birthday. I know it's big, but I also don't care if it comes out of my Christmas gifts. It's the only thing I really want. I MISS sewing. And I'm good at it, so why let it go by? I need to talk to my dad about it. Also... I'm worried someone very important to me (who I won't name online just now) will forget my birthday because of certain distractions that have, lately, seemed more important than anything else in his/her life. I don't want to say anything. Maybe my worries will be unfounded... If ANYONE else forgot I wouldn't care. It happens. But... anyway. Moving on.

3. NaNoWriMo (link for those who don't know what it is)

I didn't get to do it last year because I was sick. But I want to. This year I have a good idea - very undeveloped, but I like it anyway. But what with school and work, I don't know if I'll have time and energy. Of course, my education class will be over by then so I'll have more time, but I get the sinking feeling that I'll need it for other things haha. So we'll see. Maybe if I can get one or more of my friends to do it with me... Emily can't this year due to school and other obligations. Megan is always busy so I don't know if she will. Carolyn might... we keep trying to get that to work. We'll see.

4. My Sister

(If you're reading this, just know it's on my mind, not a problem)
She's coming out here in January! Yay! It's finally official!! Which I really do think is awesome.
However, the place I've found for her to stay is in my own apartment (one of my room mates is getting married in December! Yay Jessica!!). And as much fun as it sounds, it could really create some problems. I REALLY want her to live in this building with me and our brother, but it makes me nervous living in the same apartment. I'm just afraid of a clash of personalities and habits. I mean... Kristen and Jessica get along very well and they're sisters. It's just been a while since she and I lived in the same place. And I get anxious about most things. So blah.

5. My Brother

I love him to death! He's the best brother I could have ever asked for... usually. It used to be ALWAYS, hands down, but lately it's been harder. What with his girlfriend leaving soon, he's acting a LOT different. And I can't blame him at all - I'm sure I would be the same in some respects - but it's still hard. He's hurting himself more by doing... everything he's doing and I don't like to see it. And I don't ever get to see him or borrow the car - even to get groceries. It's been a frustrating month. And once she's gone, he'll be extremely depressed. He's even planning on being so BEFORE she leaves. Yes, I did say "planning." I don't get it. And I guess I don't have to. But it's always at the back of my mind, nagging me. -sigh-

6. School

I don't feel like I'm trying hard enough, but I don't have the time or energy right now to try any harder. I'm sick and tired enough as it is and I can't push myself any harder. I'll only get sick. So what do I do? Stick it out, I guess? Well whatever. I just want to learn.

I'm allowed to keep both my majors, did I say that? And the minor I have and add on the one that I wanted to. Yay!!! (I know it sounds crazy, but once all the paper-work is taken care of I'll explain).

Anyway it's late now and I've whined enough. I need to shower and get some serious sleep. I'm exhausted.

Sorry there's nothing amusing in this entry. And no pictures. I know it makes blogs less interesting to everyone. But I'm too tired to really care right now.

OH! One good note.

4 more German CDs have been acquired by yours truly. All of LaFee's stuff. I'm still listening to it for the first time, but I really like it all so far. =D Yay German music! I like it a lot better than American/English music XD (as stated before)

Oh yeah... meme... I'll do it later. Sorry all.

Night!! Sleep is And yet, sadly, I don't get nearly enough of it. Oh the life of a student~

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