Tuesday, September 28, 2010

"Little Big Berlin" ♥

My friend Jimmy posted this on facebook today. It nearly made me cry. I miss Berlin SO much. It seems more my hometown now than anything, since it's the one place I would love to go back to more than anything.

It's a rather long video, but I love every second of it.

This was stated by the maker of this short video:

"I dedicate this film to Berlin where I have been living for 19 years now. While the architecture of Berlin is stunningly beautiful, only its inhabitants make Berlin the unique city that it is. In every corner there is something new to discover. And the best thing to do is to film it."

I doubt many people would take the trouble to go read that when the video is simply embedded, but still. I thought it deserved to be shared.

Ich liebe dich, Deutschland.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Obama's Idea of Better

This makes me very angry.

I don't understand why it's so hard to listen to people who actually know what they're talking about. Hiring new math and science teachers and pushing "test scores" harder isn't going to fix the problems that public school systems have. Simply admitting there's a problem won't fix it either.

I keep hoping things will get better, but it just seems like they're getting worse. And it doesn't seem like we (as present and future teachers) can do anything about it. We can't make them understand what real, good teaching requires.

Teaching new teaching methods is all well and good, but if the students don't care, it hardly matters. I wish they would stop blaming teachers for the number of drop-outs. The best teachers in the world can't MAKE students want to learn.

Students will still get pregnant, need jobs to support families, run away, or any other manner of things. Did you know suicide counts as dropping out? How messed up is that?

This country has no idea what it's doing. And I admit, I'm still a student. But it doesn't take an idiot to see that it's not going well and things need to change. I'm not an idiot, so I think it's safe to say this "reform" is a joke.

If you want good results, talk to the people who know the field. Don't just make something up and throw in some big words and the phrase "it's what's best for the children" and think that will pass. It won't.


Sunday, September 26, 2010

More Meme Stuff (mostly nicknames haha)

Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them.

Ok nicknames... Holy crap I have a ton. Let's see... Let's go with the 3 most used and most recent. I've had over 30 in my life (most of which I have obtained since starting high school... but then again that was 7 years ago haha).

1. Matt

This one is the one that was used more than any other in high school. It comes from this guy:

His name is Mail (pronounced "Mile") Jeevas, aka Matt. He's a character from Deathnote.
I cosplayed him in high school. I used to be really in to that. So my "Mello," my counterpart in this role, started calling me Matt all the time. Then a few more friends started doing it too until it finally just stuck. Here's what I look like when cosplaying him:

So there's the first one.

Second one is "Kaoru."

At a convention, I met several other people cosplaying Matt (above). One such person is now my adopted twin. However, since all his friends call him Matt and my friends call me Matt, we decided new nicknames were necessary. So we named ourselves after twins from Ouran High School Host Club and their names are Kaoru and Hikaru. We never cosplayed them, but the names stuck anyway.

And last, but certainly not least, is Shiro/Hitsugaya Taicho (meaning Captain Hitsugaya).
One of my best friends (nicknamed Matsumoto) is really in to Bleach and got me in to it as well. One day we were deciding which Bleach character we were most like, and she decided I was most like him. I have to say I agree. He's also my favorite haha. But that's pretty common. Lots of people love him. I am very like him in many, many ways.

Here are my two favorite pictures of him:

He has ice powers, so showing a shot of him in the snow seems fitting.

This one is of him and his Vice Captain, Matsumoto.

So that's it for the nicknames! Yay! =D Lol. So what's next?

Day 20- Someone you see yourself marrying/ being with in the future.

Oh goodness. THAT'S not something I want posted all over the internet haha. For all intents and purposes, I have no expectations of anything happening to change my non-existent love life. And it's probably better that way anyway, right? Too much to do.

Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy.

Many things make me happy. Hm... I don't really know what to post for that one. All the pictures I take make me happy... German makes me happy. French makes me happy. Music makes me happy... Japan makes me happy... my friends make me happy. I don't know. Too many things to choose from!! ^^;; haha

Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else.

What makes me different from everyone else?

I'm me. And they're not.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Oh MAN! SO much is going on that I need to consider! Gah!

I wish I had more time on my hands.

Ok, so here's the list:

1. Banzai.

Do I go or not? It would be fun, sure. But worth it? I don't know. If Saki and Engel haven't worked things out by then, I REALLY don't want to go cause that's NOT what I want to deal with. Plus it's expensive. But it's also something I miss a lot. And there are people there that I haven't seen in 2 years now... including one of my "adopted" younger sisters. But I also don't know if I can get the car from my brother anyway... Rawr. Plus it's the weekend of my 21st birthday. I don't know if that's really how I want to spend it.

2. My Birthday

Besides the above, there are other things to consider. Do I want to celebrate it at all? Or just let it go peacefully by? I can't decide. I'm really tempted to ask for a sewing machine for my birthday. I know it's big, but I also don't care if it comes out of my Christmas gifts. It's the only thing I really want. I MISS sewing. And I'm good at it, so why let it go by? I need to talk to my dad about it. Also... I'm worried someone very important to me (who I won't name online just now) will forget my birthday because of certain distractions that have, lately, seemed more important than anything else in his/her life. I don't want to say anything. Maybe my worries will be unfounded... If ANYONE else forgot I wouldn't care. It happens. But... anyway. Moving on.

3. NaNoWriMo (link for those who don't know what it is)

I didn't get to do it last year because I was sick. But I want to. This year I have a good idea - very undeveloped, but I like it anyway. But what with school and work, I don't know if I'll have time and energy. Of course, my education class will be over by then so I'll have more time, but I get the sinking feeling that I'll need it for other things haha. So we'll see. Maybe if I can get one or more of my friends to do it with me... Emily can't this year due to school and other obligations. Megan is always busy so I don't know if she will. Carolyn might... we keep trying to get that to work. We'll see.

4. My Sister

(If you're reading this, just know it's on my mind, not a problem)
She's coming out here in January! Yay! It's finally official!! Which I really do think is awesome.
However, the place I've found for her to stay is in my own apartment (one of my room mates is getting married in December! Yay Jessica!!). And as much fun as it sounds, it could really create some problems. I REALLY want her to live in this building with me and our brother, but it makes me nervous living in the same apartment. I'm just afraid of a clash of personalities and habits. I mean... Kristen and Jessica get along very well and they're sisters. It's just been a while since she and I lived in the same place. And I get anxious about most things. So blah.

5. My Brother

I love him to death! He's the best brother I could have ever asked for... usually. It used to be ALWAYS, hands down, but lately it's been harder. What with his girlfriend leaving soon, he's acting a LOT different. And I can't blame him at all - I'm sure I would be the same in some respects - but it's still hard. He's hurting himself more by doing... everything he's doing and I don't like to see it. And I don't ever get to see him or borrow the car - even to get groceries. It's been a frustrating month. And once she's gone, he'll be extremely depressed. He's even planning on being so BEFORE she leaves. Yes, I did say "planning." I don't get it. And I guess I don't have to. But it's always at the back of my mind, nagging me. -sigh-

6. School

I don't feel like I'm trying hard enough, but I don't have the time or energy right now to try any harder. I'm sick and tired enough as it is and I can't push myself any harder. I'll only get sick. So what do I do? Stick it out, I guess? Well whatever. I just want to learn.

I'm allowed to keep both my majors, did I say that? And the minor I have and add on the one that I wanted to. Yay!!! (I know it sounds crazy, but once all the paper-work is taken care of I'll explain).

Anyway it's late now and I've whined enough. I need to shower and get some serious sleep. I'm exhausted.

Sorry there's nothing amusing in this entry. And no pictures. I know it makes blogs less interesting to everyone. But I'm too tired to really care right now.

OH! One good note.

4 more German CDs have been acquired by yours truly. All of LaFee's stuff. I'm still listening to it for the first time, but I really like it all so far. =D Yay German music! I like it a lot better than American/English music XD (as stated before)

Oh yeah... meme... I'll do it later. Sorry all.

Night!! Sleep is And yet, sadly, I don't get nearly enough of it. Oh the life of a student~

Monday, September 20, 2010

This is Bound to Be EPIC!

Jamie posted this on her LJ. I decided I had to share. I was going to teach in Japan this past summer, but due to illness, I missed the last interview and couldn't go. Instead, I went to Berlin and had the time of my life.

Maybe one day I'll still get to teach in Japan. Wouldn't that be awesome?! But for now, I can only dream.

In the mean time, here is this drama. Hopefully more to come soon!

Random 30-Day Meme-ness

I don't even care what day it is. I feel like doing these. Hahaha. Yay me!

Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why.

Short term goals... Um...
1. Clean my room
2. Look in to getting a sewing machine
3. Not fail out of school
4. Read... something..... Phantom-y?

Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days.


Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad.


(I have several for each one, so I'm just gonna list the ones that come immediately to mind)

Happy: "Mon Essentiel" or "Hilf mir fliegen" ( <-- that one you may look up on your own. The song is AMAZING, but the fan videos on Youtube are AWFUL.)

Mad: "Beauty of the Beast" or "Labyrinth" (though that one is just awesome XD I listen to is ALL the time)

Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends.

No. Too many already. NO.

Day 12- How you found out about LJ and why you made one.

Well... I don't remember about livejournal. Or Blogger to be honest. I think I had to make a blog for a class or something? I don't know haha. Not interesting.


Ok, more on the "Labyrinth."

In case you haven't noticed, I am OBSESSED with Labyrinths. The movie, the song... the Percy Jackson book haha. I LOVE Labyrinths. I love the concept and I love the infinite number of stories that can stem from them. And yet... it's all the SAME Labyrinth, isn't it? There's always a great big Labyrinth, and somewhere inside it is something you want or need more than anything else. So you go through it no matter the risk and no matter the horrors you find inside. Unless, of course, you stumble upon the Labyrinth and are stuck therein.

See what I mean? Endless. I'll never get tired of stories that lake place in the Labyrinth.

And there's something innately beautiful about them, I think. About a puzzle that can never be completely solved. You may find the way out, but you'll never know everything inside it. You can't. It just isn't possible. And I love that. There will always be more doors to unlock and more pathways to take and dead ends to find.

The Labyrinth, no matter where I find it in media or any type, is always changing. It isn't the same. It can't be. That's the very nature of the Labyrinth - to change. In fact, chance is the only constant in the Labyrinth. It's just like life.

And I can't help but thinking that, though you fight desperately to get out, once you surface you'll always, at least in part, want to go back. There's something drawing about a puzzle that "can't" be solved, you know? There are just too many wondrous and terrible things in the Labyrinth to leave it alone.

I think my mind is something of a Labyrinth. I don't know where all the paths lead. I'm just taking this one until I find a different one that I like better haha. And there are always new things and many things that surprise me. I find myself meeting the same dead ends over and over again, so even if I feel like I'm getting somewhere, I'm really not.

It gets more complicated than that, but I won't bore you.

German and Isaiah tests tomorrow. Bed needs to happen soon. So yeah. Blog ends now. Bye! =D

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Wedding Dress Dream

Last night, in my fever-induced delusions, I decided I wanted to make Yuna's Wedding Dress. I wouldn't make it for myself, but for Carolyn. In my mind, she'll always be Yuna haha. I'm more of a Rikku girl myself. But anyway. Not the point. As of yet, I have neither a sewing machine or a dress form. But I'll work on that.

I already started planning how I'll sew it. I was taught to always use patterns, but I don't want to. Not for this. This I want to do on my own. And it's gonna take me a long time, especially because I'm always in school. Plus I share my apartment with 3 other people and it's small as it is. But none of that matters because now I'm determined. And I told Carolyn, who is all too excited haha. I mean, who wouldn't be?

I refuse to look at other people's takes on it. I want it to be as accurate as possible. I won't refuse advise or anything, but I want to do this myself. So, pixilated as they may be, here are some links to various screen shots of the dress.

Picture 1 (side view)

Picture 2 (front view)

Colleague 1 (various)

I have more, but I won't spam you with them haha. But anyway, yes, that is my next big sewing project. It might take me a year to finish it, but I'm ok with that haha. I just want it to be done and done well. I'm excited. =) I'll update with any progress that is made... including when/if I get a sewing machine haha.


So I haven't really been working on this much. It happens. So I'm just gonna catch up now lol.

Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have.

Hm... Well, I have this really bad habit of picking at my nails and nail-beds. It's not a good thing. It tears up my hands and looks terrible. I don't generally do it if I'm wearing nail polish, but people look at me funny when I have black nails and it's the only color I can stand for more than a couple days. Oh well. Decisions decisions.

Day 05- A picture of somewhere you've been to.

This was a LOT longer ago than I thought. I believe we went there in 2004 or 2005. So not a very recent trip, but I'm sure everyone I know is tired of hearing about Europe haha. That was the only time I have ever been to Asia, but it was amazing. I love Japan. I love the language, the people, the music, the culture... everything. I only wish I had the time and opportunity to study it more. This is, specifically, a picture of Kinkakuji (the Golden Shrine) in Kyoto. I personally loved Tokyo better since I'm more of a city girl, but Kyoto is, perhaps, the most beautiful place I have ever been (and, believe it or not, THAT is saying something). It was absolutely amazing.

Day 06- Favorite super hero and why.

Hm... Favorite super hero? I'm assuming this is talking about typical DC comics (or similar) type super hero and not just an amazing protagonist (because in that case it would probably be Kurosaki Ichigo haha). But, if we're going that direction, I'd have to say Batman. And the why... I liked him because he wasn't typical. He was the spoiled rich kid that was doing - quite literally - all he could do to help his city. I found the premise believable (unlike Superman because Krypton just doesn't exist and never could have - at least not in my mind). And, beneath it all, he's human. He can be killed, he can stop any time he wants to... but he doesn't. Take off the mask and he's Bruce Wayne. Batman was his alter-ego, not Bruce. For most heros it's the other way around. I've always liked that about him. And he's not perfect. He makes mistakes. It always seems like other heros are "perfect." Thrown out Robin, and Batman's amazing.

Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you.

This is Carolyn. From the moment I met her, she was my best friend. Really. We met... (we keep trying to remember and it never really works) almost 7 years ago, I think. We never lived very close to one another back in Pittsburgh, but out west (where we are now), up until last week we were a 10 minute drive away from one another. No matter how long we go without seeing one another, things never change. She introduced me to the world of anime and cosplay, which changed my life. It brought me new friends and, strangely enough, a larger view of the world as a whole. And it encouraged me to learn to sew, which I'm quite good at now. She understands the things no one else does. She even came out west, in great part, because I was here. I've never had a friend love me as much as she does and I don't know what I would do without her. She's amazing.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

30-Day Getting to Know You Posting, part 3

Ok well. THAT didn't work. I got home just fine, but then I crashed for a few hours. I'm feeling slightly better now. Haven't studied for my German test at all, but hey. I can take it Tuesday if I really have to. I'm gonna study this evening hopefully. I really hope I feel up to it. Mostly I feel up to curling in to a ball.

But anyway! Meme time!!

Day 03- A picture of you and your friends.

This challenge is difficult for me for 2 reasons. 1 is that I have many friends, most of whom don't know one another. 2 is that, when photos are taken, I'm usually the photographer. So I'm going to post a few pictures from different times and places since that's about the best I can offer haha. (also, many links are included to potentially interesting/confusing things talked about in this post).

This picture is of me and my friend Jon. We were doing a toned down Steam Punk photoshoot. It was thrown together at the last minute, so our costumes are only so-so, and we have no props. But it was FUN! (This was taken in November 2009 - almost a year ago! Wow time flies haha)

This is from a different shoot. I'm not in it, but I don't have pictures of me with most of these people, so I chose it anyway haha. This was taken in the library "downtown." We had to fight for those stairs haha. Three bridal photoshoots were going on as well as a wedding. We sure know how to pick um, eh? People pictured: my "twin" Matt (far left), Khrys (back left), Engel (center), and Saki (back right). Taken March this year.

This one is one of the many "Boy Band" photos we attempted to take throughout the summer. I LOVE this picture. People: Lauren (bottom left), me (center), Michele (bottom right), Spawn of Satan (back left), Haylee (back center), Emily R (back right). This was taken in Schwerin, Germany back in June.

This one is just awesome. I have very few photos of my best friend Carolyn (center). The few I have are few and far between. We keep planning on doing shoots together, but we end up having too much fun to remember haha. We dyed her hair blue last year. This was taken during the process. You can see some stray dye on her forehead haha. Left is Matt again, Khrys is on the right, looking tired XD. I love them all -heart-

These two go together. The first one is for technical reasons since I'm in it haha. It was taken at the top of the Kölner Dom. The second one is actually of the two people I wanted to show haha. We hiked up to the Bonn Castle They are Tobi and Lisa, my German brother and his girlfriend. I love them sooooooo much. I stayed with them in Bonn after my study abroad in Berlin. It was definitely one of the best weeks of my life. They're two of the kindest, most wonderful people I know. And one day, my German will be better than their English. Mwa ha ha!~

This one wasn't going to be added, but it seemed especially important right now. This is me and my older brother after the Hare Krishna Festival of Colors (which can be seen all over us both haha) at the end of March. The celebration here is HUGE!! It was fantastic. =D

This is the last one, I promise, but it is quite possibly the most important. I definitely have to say that September 29, 2007 was in the top 5 best days of my life. Everything went perfectly. This photo was taken in Erie by Tim, who works for Deathcom (who took this photo. I don't want to scan my copy, so I'm borrowing theirs). These people are some of the best I have ever known. We call ourselves a family, though we aren't related (apart from myself and my sister). They've helped me in more ways than I can ever thank them for. We met on that day as strangers, wanting nothing more than to cosplay Fruits Basket as a big group, and left on that day as family. They're amazing and I love them all more than words can express. People pictured: (back row) Whitney, Brittany, Whitney's (now) ex whose name I've long forgotten, me, Lauren (my sister), Jamey. (front row) Nicole, Emily, Angela.

There are so many more friends not pictured here, but I don't want to kill the internet trying to upload them. I'm sure many of them will be featured here at some point or another in the future. We'll see haha.

...The internet should know better than to ask me for pictures. At least this makes me happy ^^;; lol.

Sick (and meme day 3 - late)

I think I already talked about the fact that I have IBS, yes? Well, it's been really kicking me this week, so I haven't been keeping up with my school work very well. I'm also on anti-biotics that have made me very susceptible to the sun. I already burn easily, so now I have sun-poisoning in the middle of September. I only have to take them for 5 more days, thank goodness.

I really don't feel well at all. I'm dizzy and light-headed and exhausted. And it's also 11am.

I have a big German test on Monday and I'm not ready for it. I need to go home and study as soon as I have the energy/willpower to get up and walk home to where all my school books are. I had to come to campus because 1) I left my computer's charger in my office and 2) I needed a book from the library to do my education homework.

Hopefully I can update better later. I just can't focus very well. Very conducive to learning German [/sarcasm]. Rawr. I think I'll be ok... I'm just nervous.

I'm gonna do one of the three "30 day meme" prompts and then (hopefully) go home. I wish someone could pick me up T.T I feel awful. Oh well. At least I can go home and study comfortably. Being miserable at home is preferable to being miserable at school. [whine complain bitch moan whine].

Ok. So.

...nevermind. The school computer is freaking out. This will be finished at home. (Assuming I don't pass out and die on the way home. Yay! lol)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

30-Day Getting to Know You Posting, part 2

Day 02- The meaning behind your [blogger] name.

Well! This is not an interesting story as far as blogger is concerned. My blog name - "Walking the line" - came from Cirque du Soleil. I saw a show recently and one of my favorite things was watching the walkers on the tight-rope. It was incredible! And it required balance and extreme concentration. It seemed fitting. However, "walking the tightrope" wasn't a wonderful name, so I chose this instead. A friend once told me that, before practicing on rope, she practiced walking on a line of tape stuck to the ground so she would be more confidant when trying the low rope. And there you go.

My livejournal name is more interesting haha. "Eevil_hero" is a name I use for quite a few things.
A few years ago (well, more than "a few" now I guess) I went to visit a good friend of mine in Atlanta for her birthday. I met Gann Green there and she told me that "evil" spelled with two e's seemed like a much more "evil" way to do things. Or something like that. As a joke, we started writing it that way whenever we would email each other.
Now the second half. I think it actually came from RPGWorldComics (now discontinued I believe). I don't remember if it came from there directly, but I remember that I was reading it when the thought occurred to me. Some reference was made to Hero being evil (or maybe I'm making this up. Maybe this was a thought I had about Hero or some extrapolation thereof). It was a complete contradiction, so I couldn't help but laugh. The thought that Hero was evil was silly.
I put the two stories together and there you have it. Eevil Hero.

And fun times were had by all.

Back to homework! Reading research on Isaiah and 2 versions of Isaiah all together is hard work. The boy was CONFUSING. And intentionally so. Most evil holy man I ever knew of =P

(Jokes. I love my Writings of Isaiah class).

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

One more thing

I know I've been posting a lot today. The number of posts will decrease as time goes on, but as I was reading an article for my education class assignment, I came across this and thought I would share.

Time is kinda short and since it wouldn't let me highlight the text, I'm just going to post a screen shot of the section.

This comes from "The No Child Left Behind Act and Teaching and Learning Languages in U.S. School" by Marcia Harmon Rosenbusch, Director, National K-12 Foreign Language Resource Center, Iowa State University - taken from The Modern Language Journal, volume 89, Issue 2, Article first published online: 23 May 2005.

The author(s) suggest these methods to prevent or perhaps even reverse the cut-backs to foreign language programs on account of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act.

I have to admit, the more I read about the effects this act has had on our country's education systems, the more apprehensive I am to become a foreign language teacher. What with the economy tanking, finding jobs is hard enough as it is. Now on top of that we have to deal with losing our jobs to standardized testing that doesn't even really measure the knowledge of the children? How is this helping
anyone is what I would like to know.

In my FLANG class, there are only 3 of us that are striving to become German teachers. The other two, Keri and Laura, told me they want to leave the US and teach somewhere else. I have no plans to do so for personal reasons, but it sounds like a good idea.

Why doesn't the United States seem to value foreign language? Or the arts, for that matter? Or... I don't know. Anything else that's getting cut back?

I was in high school while this program was still under way (and it still is, naturally) and I remember the teachers being afraid of losing their jobs. I'm from Pennsylvania where I know the programs have been hit hard. I was in an upper-middle class district that had primarily white students. Under those circumstances, one would think the programs would have nothing to worry about. That's what all the research says, but it's not true. Even there things were tanking. In my French 6 class (the highest level offered in my school) we had 5 students. There were approximately 1,7oo students in my school at the time. French was the second largest foreign language program (second to Spanish, naturally). What does that say about it?

Of course, some of this tells you something about the students. I'll admit, most people don't love language as much as I do. But that wasn't the entire problem.

The sports program didn't experience ANY cuts at all. In fact, they got a brand new football field the year I graduated (the same year I was in French 6). Our football team and won only 1 game in the past 7 years - and to the second worst school in the state at that (ours being the worst). How does that seem right?

If "No Child Left Behind" is supposed to be helping the kids in public schools... I'm not seeing it. And I don't understand why Congress refuses to act no matter how many people try to tell them that this system isn't working. It's just... wrong.

The languages being cut out of schools are (typically): Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Russian, Spanish, American Sign Language, and English as a Second Language (as cited in the same article as above).

What languages are left? Czech? Hindu? Korean? All good languages, but none (save perhaps Hindu?) are as widely spoken as the others listed. Spanish is especially important in this country and Chinese is supposed to be the new Spanish. What use is there in cutting our kids off from the rest of the planet?

And if MY school was affected by it, imagine how poorer schools are being effected.

Why won't Congress do anything to stop it? I just don't understand.


I don't think I said it yet here, but this year, I have access to an office! Yay! It isn't mine per se, but my boss (whose office it actually IS) is only here twice a week haha. So basically I get to use it whenever I want to. Yay! It's not very big, but Stefinee has a table in here that's basically empty, so I tend to take it over when I come. Yay almost-desk! It's SO nice to be able to leave books and things here and not have to carry them to and from school every day. My back/shoulders appreciate it haha.

Last year I had a locker on campus but I didn't really use it. It was out of the way of pretty much everything. This is kinda out of the way as well, but at least I can sit down and work once I get here. The only downside is that it doesn't have a computer so I have to bring mine when/if I need one (which I nearly always do) or come and get my things and then go to the library. It wouldn't be so bad, but I haven't been feeling well and I hardly ever find the motivation to go to the library. Here I can take off my shoes, play music, kick back, spread out and just relax. I don't feel pressure to do anything, so I can work much better. It makes me happy.

Basically, this was a blessing and a half. I really needed a change of scene. I used to work in the Family History center in the library. I have friends that work there and it's a good environment, but I think I needed this. I'm grateful for it either way. ♥

Speaking of work, though... better get on that hahaha. But before I go, here's a webcam shot of the office (like I said, not very big haha).

I would have taken a picture of my work space, but I don't have a camera with me and seeing it without the computer is a little lacking haha. The chair in the bottom left corner is the one I sit in. The table is in the corner of the room. Not too big, but it's a good size. Yay!!

As for the "Asian" peace signs... I used to have an emphasis in Japanese. Don't judge me =P Maybe one day I'll go back to it. Who knows?

Anyway I'm stalling. Back to the grind!! =D

30-day Getting to Know You Posting

My friend Jamie (who lives in Japan) posted this on her livejournal and it seemed like a good idea, especially since this is a new blog and I'm not very good at introducing myself.

SO here we go!

Day 01 - Post a recent picture of yourself and tell 5 random facts about you.

This was taken during a photo shoot my friends and I did of Alice in Wonderland. I am the White Rabbit (sans ears). I am looking up at Alice in this one, exasperated by the fact that she is late. Again.

Random facts about me! =D

1. I like foreign music (particularly German and Japanese) better than English/American music.

2. My favorite color changes very regularly. In the past couple of years, it went from green to red and it's currently purple.

3. I love being up early, I just hate getting up.

4. I love writing, but I don't often finish the projects I start.

5. I would be a photographer if I thought I could make a living that way.

So there you go! Some fun little facts about me =3 Hope you enjoyed it. I thought it was fun haha.

In case you're interested, here are the prompts for each day:

Day 01 - Post a recent picture of yourself and tell 5 random facts about you
Day 02- The meaning behind your [blogger] name.
Day 03- A picture of you and your friends.
Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have.
Day 05- A picture of somewhere you've been to.
Day 06- Favorite super hero and why.
Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you.
Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why.
Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days.
Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad.
Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends.
Day 12- How you found out about LJ and why you made one.
Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.
Day 14- A picture of you and your family.
Day 15- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play.
Day 16- Another picture of yourself.
Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why.
Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have.
Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them.
Day 20- Someone you see yourself marrying/ being with in the future.
Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy.
Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else.
Day 23- Something you crave for a lot.
Day 24- A letter to your parents.
Day 25- What I would find in your bag.
Day 26- What you think about your friends.
Day 27- Why are you doing this 30 day challenge.
Day 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Day 29- In this past month, what have you learned.
Day 30- Who are you?

"No Child Left Behind"

In my teaching class, we had a guest lecturer come in and tell us about the "No Child Left Behind" act (NCLB). What a depressing subject! It seems like all it's doing is PREVENTING children from learning, not encouraging them in any way. What happened to "nurturing pedagogy" ??

I really don't want to focus too much on this. The Act is supposed to bring children "up to scratch" by 2013 or 2014. That's right around the time that I'll graduate and have my certification for being a teacher. Frightening though, eh? I'll be unleashed on the poor, unsuspecting world haha.

I don't have much time right now so I may expand on this later.

I was told that, in order to get in to the TELL program and talk about practicum options and things, I need to talk to Stefinee P. She happens to be a friend of mine and my mother's and she also just happens to be my boss. It's really almost freaky how quickly these new puzzle pieces in my life are all coming together. It almost seems like I really AM meant to be as crazy as I am. I'm just glad the faculty here seems to be in favor of my idea haha. My friends and brother all think I'm crazy though. Which I am, but still. It seems like I should have more support than what I've got, but I'll work with it.

I have so much to do and so little time, it seems. But that's the case for everyone, then, isn't it?

I've been trying hard to get stronger in my faith. I pray every morning for as long as I can. I feel closer to my God that way and I try to keep Him in my heart and mind throughout the day. I'm not so great about scripture reading. I'm doing it, but not as often, not as long, and definitely not as thoroughly as I should be. I feel guilty about it, but at least I'm trying right? The more religious I'm being - the more obedient - the happier I seem to be. So it can't be anything but a good thing, right? I hope so. I'm trying hard either way, so I can't see that as being disadvantageous in any way. (What a fantastic word... disadvantageous. It's fun to write and say haha. Spelling it is kinda hard though)

Anyway break is over and I have to go back to class. I'll try to gather my thoughts better next time.

Tchau! (Portuguese spelling of "ciao.")

Monday, September 13, 2010

New Secondary Education Student Orientation

It's "suggested" that, at the start of your major (whatever that may be), that you go to the meeting held by key faculty members of your specific school. This morning I went to mine.

It was pretty boring at first, talking about exams I don't have to take for a few more years still, but then something happened and a light clicked on. They talked about doing a minor in TELL (Teaching English Language Learners - aka English as a second language). I, of course, already have 2 majors and a minor, but it really got me excited.

I thought about doing TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) which is basically the same thing, but this minor is shorter and the classes are offered not only at night, but also during every semester and both terms. Now, here's the consideration part.

If I were to do this, I would have to sacrifice my German Studies major and take French Teaching with 2 minors (German teaching and TELL). I think it would be a good idea since 1) it won't take me any longer to graduate if I did that and 2) it will certify me in 3 languages, not just 2. And I already speak English fairly well, so there's no need to worry about that too much (note: "fairly well" is meant to be extremely sarcastic).

That's mostly what I've been thinking about today.

I wasn't as productive today as I had hoped to be. I felt AWFUL most of the day. I got everything done that I had to, but I could have done more. The next few days are gonna be pretty stressful, so I hope that doesn't make things worse, you know?

My first exam (French civ.) is Wed-Thurs. My second (Writings of Isaiah) is Thursday and my third (German grammar) is Monday. Woo! They're not letting me take it easy this year are they? Haha. It'll all be fine, I just have to have the energy to study. Naps will probably be necessary.

Haylee and I are meeting up tomorrow to study German and stuff, so that should be... ok. Hopefully. He (our professor) gave us a sample exam, so we know exactly what kind of questions will be asked. The only problem is the amount of material and my inability to learn over 100 German verbs, their meanings and all their tenses in under a week in addition to studying for one equally difficult exam (French) and one possibly detail-oriented exam (Isaiah). I don't know much about the Isaiah exam, but it shouldn't be as hard as the other two. For one thing, it's in English. Well... the test is anyway. Saying the book of Isaiah itself is in English is a rather debatable stand-point.

On another, slightly more random note, I have been motivating myself all day by telling myself life isn't as bad as my pessimistic side would have me believe. This is mostly referring to my IBS, by the way. It is extremely painful at times and that is rather distracting.

Last night I was moping about it because it wasn't getting better even when I upped my dosage of meds (which, by the way, I am very allowed to do. Encouraged to, even, when problems arise). I thought to myself "I'm doing everything I can and nothing helps. This is totally not fair." In response, I heard David Bowie (as he played the part of King Jareth of the Goblins in "Labyrinth" back in the 80s). This was his answer to the female lead (ironically also named Sarah) when she said the same thing.

Sarah: "It's not fair!"

Jareth: "You say that so often. I wonder what your basis for comparison is."

[In case you're wondering, it sounds like this: click here!]

I have to admit I laughed, because Jareth has a point. So I kept telling myself that all day and if the sentiment wasn't enough to put a smile on my face, the glittery Goblin King was. Oh David Bowie...

Anyway it's getting rather late now (in srs bzns college kids terms) and I haven't felt well, as stated, so I'm going to get some sleep and hope things are better tomorrow.

Life is so crazy, but I love every minute of it. =D Yay optimism! (Hopefully this will not soon be replaced by endless pessimism like is sometimes is in my life haha. We'll just have to wait and see.)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A real beginning

Oh man. I got bored reading the last post! Lol. It's so fake. I realized this while writing in my DA journal, in which I ALWAYS say what I'm thinking because I don't CARE what others think. It's just me being honest, which is how it SHOULD be. No one wants to read fake blogs. That defeats the entire purpose, ne?

Being a language major is interesting. Words and phrases that I don't like or don't have in English have this tendency to get replaced by words and phrases in other languages that I like better or that I feel express what I really mean better than my own native language can. You'd be surprised how often that happens these days with me haha. Luckily for me, my room mate speaks German better than I do, so she gets it about 60% of the time. At the very least, she gets what it's like.

I'm really tired. Sundays tire me out. It's like... forced relaxation haha. I don't feel guilty about not doing anything cause I'm not supposed to, but still. Doing NOTHING is more exhausting than you would probably think.

I've been having spikes with my IBS lately. Not fun. Today is one of them. I was gonna go to the Fireside (for all you non-Mormons, it's an hour where priest-like people talk at us and tell us all sorts of awesome things) with my other roomie, Kristen, but I REALLY wasn't feeling up to walking all that way. I barely made it to the bathroom (which is maybe 10 steps away?) without falling over. It HURTS. Rawr.

I'm on a German music kick. Sigafus gave me a TON of artists to look up, I just haven't gotten around to it yet. I probably will sometime this week. Probably haha. I always have so much to do... it may get pushed back.

So, for those of you that made it this far into this post, please IGNORE the first one. I don't wanna take it down cause I wrote it... I guess it's how I was feeling yesterday, but even so. It's dumb and NOT like me at ALL. I was being WAY too polite and WAAAAAAAAY too ridiculously formal.

I mean, I DID learn stuff from Sigafus, but not much in the way of anything... important. I mean seriously. GRAMMAR MISTAKES. He's a cool guy, but NOT my idea of a good teacher AT ALL. Oh well. Nothing I can do but take advantage of the things he did show me that I liked... which is basically stuff I had previously thought of anyway save one or two little additions to the list.

I think about teaching A LOT. I've been planning lessons since before high school. The subject changed from time to time, but now that it's solidified I'm actually getting somewhere with it haha. I think about what I have to do and who I need to become in order to be a good teacher. People like him... they make me mad. I feel like people should take things more seriously.

Teaching is NOT a cop-out job for people who can't do anything else. It's HARD. And you can't go in to it with a willy-nilly attitude. You can't be bitter and feel like you could have done more with your life, but now you're stuck with these stupid kids who don't know anything. NO!!!! NOT OKAY. Those people should NOT be allowed to be teachers. They anger people like me - people who feel they were MEANT to be teachers, not those who feel like they weren't good enough to do anything else. That implies ANYONE can do it. And guess what. THEY CAN'T.

I see the looks people give me when I say I wanna be a teacher. They look at me like I'm taking the easy way out.

Let's see YOU plan, more than 10 years in advance, how to deal with, teach, and respect/earn that of adolescents who don't give a damn about you unless you're good enough to get AND KEEP their attention every day for hours at a time. And then and ONLY then can you MAYBE get something across to them. Then try getting them to love the subject you're trying to beat them over the head with without them realizing how insanely difficult it is, because if they realize that most of them won't try.

Sound tough?

Then, let's see you do it in two or more languages.

Yeah. That's what I thought.

Sorry. I get fired up about people who tell me teachers aren't really hard workers.

I'm not a glorified f***ing babysitter. And I will NEVER be so. I've done that. I was a nanny for a while and I watched kids all growing up. I KNOW what babysitting is. And I'm telling you now that this is NOT that.

This is the real me. This is my life and my passion. I will fight tooth and nail to be the best teacher I can be. I've been told my entire life I can do whatever I want to. I was going to be a forensic scientist. Then a doctor. But not any more. I've chosen a better path, I think. At least for me.

I'm gonna get off my soap box now, but before I go I wanna leave one little thought with you all.

We wouldn't HAVE forensic scientists... doctors... the UNITED NATIONS with their hundreds of TRANSLATORS if people like me didn't teach them how to do what they do and get them interested in the subject in the first place.

Still think teaching is easy?

I love my life. =3

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Starting Off

Hello everyone! My name is Sarah. I am a French Teaching and German Studies double major at ***** in *******. I am currently on my way to becoming a French and German teacher at the secondary education level (meaning Middle and High School).

Right now, I'm just starting on the education track in my studies. I already love it, and it's given me a lot to think about. I wanted to start this blog to keep track of all the thoughts I have about what kind of teacher I want to become. I won't graduate for another 3 years (making me a "super senior" because of my two majors) and I'm afraid that, by the time I actually am certified to teach, that I'll have forgotten the important things I learn along the way.

My favorite class this semester is called "FLANG." It simply stands for "foreign language," but it's really the introductory course in to the secondary education program. It's purpose is to explore different teaching methods and things of that nature. It will only last for the first block and I've completed 2 out of the 8 weeks total so far.

This past week, we had the opportunity to observe a German class at a middle school in ****. (Just so you know, we break up into groups according to language. I'm with the German students right now since there are only 3 of us, but I'm going to beg and plead and cry to get to visit French classes too haha.)

This teacher - the first and only one I've observed so far - taught me a lot without even meaning to.

My first impression of him was not a very good one. He didn't seem to be teaching his students much of anything at all. In fact, I was horrified by the fact that, by the third week of school, his 1st year students had yet to learn the German alphabet. He told stories, many of which lasted more than 15 minutes and had little to no purpose at all, and joked and didn't do much in the way of teaching.

But the students respected him. All of them. He didn't have ANY discipline issues while we were there. And in middle school? That's impressive.

That caught my attention - as did his frequent grammar mistakes that even I caught (I only started taking German in January, so I figured his German should be far better than mine since he's been teaching for 10 years). But that's beside the point.

He taught me the importance of continued study and of revisiting the countries where your language is spoken (he hasn't been back to Deutschland since 1993). But he taught me something even more important.

He built his program up from nothing. He had 2 classes at the beginning. Now he has 1 less than the SPANISH department and he is the only German teacher in the school. The kids obviously love him and enjoy his class. He fights for the program, which I know is a difficult thing to do.

He incorporated fun in to his lessons. He's friendly and open with his students. They probably think of him more as a friend than anything. He relates to them and knows the "slang" and all the jokes they know. He makes a big effort to be on the same level they're on. He plays German music and films and has books available to anyone who wishes to read them. He offered anything he has to us (myself and the other 2 German students). He told us about conferences and forums and made a great deal of helpful information available to us. He gave us his email address and told us to come back if ever we wanted to whether we told him before-hand or just showed up. He talked about a blog he keeps for his students and their parents to see and use, especially for the times when students are absent from class. He gives them projects they'll enjoy and does everything he can to make them interested in the German language.

But at the same time, he told us there is currently no German program at the high school in that school district. He will teach those kids all the German they will probably ever learn, and he's wasting time trying to keep them entertained. Not that that's always a bad thing - you can't be strict all the time - but having a lesson that's more than 10 minutes long out of an 80 minute class isn't an unreasonable thing to expect. Even if half the class were lesson and half fun and games, I still think it would be better than it is now.

So, while I have to admit I still question some of his methods, I respect him. And he's taught me that earning your students' friendship and respect is an extremely important aspect of teaching.

I don't want to be like him, exactly, but I can learn a lot from his open and laid-back attitude.

I want to find a balance between the way he teaches and the way my own German teacher is going on with us. One is too lax, the other slightly too intense.

It's only the third week of school (or nearly I suppose, since it's Saturday) and I already have learned so much.

I also know that he enjoys teaching them and he really cares about and loves them. That's an extremely admirable and rare quality in teachers these days and I want to be like that. It's hard, trying to find ways to make it work when you have nothing else to go on but your gut instinct and when you haven't spoken German to anyone but your beginning students in years. It's got to be discouraging at times, but if he thinks so I couldn't even tell.

Thanks Mr. Sigafus. You taught me a lot.

And I still have a long way to go.